World Poetry Day is observed annually on March 21st. It was established by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in 1999 to promote the reading, writing, publishing, and teaching of poetry worldwide. This day celebrates the unique ability of poetry to capture the human experience, express emotions, and convey messages in diverse forms and languages. It also aims to support linguistic diversity through poetry and to encourage dialogue among cultures. World Poetry Day serves as a reminder of the importance of poetry in preserving and transmitting cultural heritage, fostering creativity, and promoting understanding and peace among people.

A wonderful celebration of World Poetry Day! Chhayanat, based in Kolkata, is a renowned cultural organization known for its promotion of various art forms, including poetry. Hosting a performance by Group Anirban on World Poetry Day indicates a vibrant celebration of poetry and its significance in the cultural landscape of Kolkata and beyond.

Group Anirban’s performance likely added a unique flavor to the event, showcasing the richness and diversity of poetry through their presentation. Such events not only offer a platform for artists to express themselves but also bring communities together to appreciate and celebrate the beauty of poetry.

I hope the performance was inspiring and memorable for everyone involved, contributing to the continued appreciation and recognition of poetry’s importance in our lives.

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